Co-op Donation Request


Local charitable contributions and donations demonstrate WCEC’s commitment to adding value to our 9-county territory while helping to improve the communities we serve. The budget is limited. For more substantial requests, charitable organizations may apply for a grant from the Wood County Electric Charitable Foundation, funded by our members through Operation Round-Up.


  • Donations will only be given to non-profit entities with an Exempt Status Tax ID. The co-op will not grant donations or contributions to:
    • Individuals or fundraisers for individuals
    • For-profit organizations
    • Political campaigns or parties
    • Churches or religious organizations
    • Groups that discriminate based on race, sex, sexual orientation, age, or national origin.
    • Organizations that do not reflect WCEC’s values.
    • Typical requests take 2 to 4 weeks to process. Please leave adequate lead time for the best chance of approval.

Procedure and Request Form

    • Submit the following form to be considered for a donation.